

w Review

That's not really the point but:

Yes you can. Here is an analogy.

*opens up twilight/dan brown/whatever bad book is popular these days*
"Wow! This first chapter is pretty awfully written! I highly doubt the author got hit by a car and became a genius after this so I'm going to say this book is bad!"
This is especially true for a game, which is much more involved than reading a book. In the case of a game that last 100 hours, 1% would be one hour. If I am not having fun for a full hour when I am playing a video game, I am not going to play it anymore.

I judged your game after watching the opening intro.
Sigh... what is he talking about this time?

I mean really Jericho why are you even a member of RMN? Do you even attempt to make your own games or is your existence here really just limited to combing the forums in search of some drama to feed off of?
is your existence only based around weed, dragon ball z and getting offended by every posts you see on the internet??



Now to download it...

Oh, BTW, you guys are smart.

byt he way i hope you add a special ability for ryu to become the ryu from dragon quarter and make sure you use a sprite of the 3d model that will work

ps do you really not see what is wrong with the idea of a random chance that she does absolutely nothing during a turn?

witch anime did you look forward too?

So anything out there thats hot shit and not too kiddish or beat-down?

Dragon's Heaven

well one of those isnt "hot shit" but whatever....................

Problems playing Crysis...

There is no upgrade path for you as you can't upgrade the GPU of a laptop.
Some laptops are upgrade able, but only with the manufacturer and you're given the choice of two or three specific models, and they're obviously nothing like the desktop gpus.

It's true however that his laptop cannot be upgraded at all.

Problems playing Crysis...

No, I can assure you it doesn't meet the recommended specs, Intel's integrated graphics are, even to this day, much slower than a GeForce 8800GTS, which is what is recommended on most websites for Crysis.
Like I said, features do not matter that much unless the card was really that old, if you want gaming graphic cards, you look to NVidia or AMD/ATI, but even with those, not all of their cards are made with gaming in mind, the numbering scheme is important, it's what identify whether a card is low end or high end.

For NVidia's GTX, the first number is the family/generation, it represents what features the card has, second number whether the card is high end or not, the higher that second number is, the fast the card is, third number is revision or dual gpu (SLI).

For AMD's Radeons, first is family/generation, second is also low/mid/high end, third is whether it is the low/mid/high end of the second number (I'll try to explain that a bit), fourth is, well, it's always been a 0 since a long time now.

Anyhow, for Radeon, *3**, *4**, *5** and *6** are low end cards, *7** is middle, *8** is an odd case as it was high end for the 3000, 4000 and 5000 series but it middle for 6000 series, *9** is high end. The **30/50/70/90 represent how fast it is compared to the same generation.
As such, a Radeon 6970 will be faster than a Radeon 6950, but a Radeon 6950 will be better than a 68*0 card.
However, and this is important; a 5850 card will be faster than a 6370 card, why? because the 6370 card is a low end model, entry model, while the 5850 is high end model, remember, the first number represents the family, not the speed, you should always take a look at reviews and benchmarks of specific card models to see how fast they are compared to others. With the exception of the Radeon 4890, every Radeon cards that ends with 90 is a dual gpu, which are usually faster provided the game supports crossfire, else, it will be slower than the single, high end cards.

For NVidia, it's almost the same, except there is no fourth number and the third one represents whether it's a dual card or revision rather than performance. A GTX480 is high end, a GTX460 is middle, a GTS450 is also middle, a GTX295 is a high end dual gpu, a GTX465 however is a single, middle end gpu.

Problems playing Crysis...

You have the box of Crysis or the site you bought it from I suppose, they give you details like minimum system requirements and recommended system requirement, the recommended ones is usually a good guideline to getting a game to work well, it isn't always the case as certain games are very badly optimized but in general, it'll do the trick.

I'm not sure you should buy a brand new computer only for Crysis, but I guess if you want to play other PC games then getting a good computer built to play games isn't a bad idea.

Note however that Crysis came out in 2007, hardware changed a lot since then and the requirements for it will only have 2007 hardware, so you may want to do research at several websites to see what's available, research is important if you want to get a powerful computer without paying too much for it, unless you happen to have a tech friend who knows a lot about it, and not one who pretends he does but really doesn't (there are a lot of those).

Problems playing Crysis...

No, it isn't because the video chipset supports those features that it will run, nor because of the amount of memory it has, certain cards are made to play those intensive PC games, others are simply meant for browsing/watching videos/whatever. Now, it doesn't mean it can't play some games, but it's simply not fast enough to handle recent ones at a relatively decent framerate, Crysis in particular bends most graphic cards to their knees.

Problems playing Crysis...

Buddy, you don't even meet the minimum requirements to play it with that laptop, Intel's integrated graphic solutions aren't made for gaming at all. Plus, a laptop isn't exactly ideal for gaming despite there being laptops made for that, battery life isn't so good that you can do that.

So, I'm sorry, but there's no fix other than buying another computer.

EDIT: Unless you have a laptop that can actually be upgraded, but that's rather unlikely.

Rewards for good blog post.

TFT made a case of many blog posts being along the lines of 'brb, eating doritos", which it is not.
I'm sorry I actually read what was written in the original post.

I'm sorry you don't understand figure of speech.